SAM Virus Clinic scans the files on your volumes for the presence of known viruses and reports its findings in the Results Window window. It also reports 'irregularities' that exist in your files if you so desire. If one of your files contains a known virus, SAM Virus Clinic can generally repair the file immediately. ^BSelecting Volumes Icons representing your mounted volumes appear at the top of the window. All volumes are preselected. Click a volume icon to deselect a volume. SAM Virus Clinic operates only on selected volumes. To eject a mounted floppy disk (or any removable media), choose 'Eject' from the File menu. All mounted and selected volumes that are removable are then ejected. ^BScanning Other Objects To scan individual files, folders, or floppy disks, use the appropriate 'Scan…' command in the Features menu. ^BFile Menu 'Delete File' deletes an infected file. Make sure you have a backup copy of the file before deleting it. 'Export' saves the Results Window to a text file you can open with most word processing applications. 'Print1' immediately prints the current contents of the Results Window to the currently selected printer (no print dialog box). ^BFeatures Menu 'Macro' scans specific volumes as defined by the selected macro (configured by the Define Scan Macro option). 'Scan' will scan a single file, folder, volume, or all mounted volumes. 'Scan & Eject' scans and ejects one or more floppy disks. 'Repair' scans and repairs either a single file, a volume, or all mounted volumes. 'Repair & Eject' automatically scans, repairs, and ejects one or more floppy disks. ^BOptions Menu 'General Options' configures the buttons on the main window of SAM Virus Clinic and defines when the Results Window is cleared. 'Full menus' expands the menu bar to include the Protection and Definitions menus. It also expands the Options menu itself to include the following: 'Scan Options' sets the type of scan performed by SAM Virus Clinic. 'Protection Options' sets the type of protection used when files are protected with the Protection menu (see below). 'Define Scan Macro' configures the individual scan macros listed in the Features menu. ^BProtection Menu 'Protect' protects files on a volume, or on all selected volumes. 'Deprotect' removes protection from files on a volume, or on all selected volumes. ^BDefinitions Menu 'Add Virus Definition' configures a new virus definition that can then be added to SAM Virus Clinic or SAM Intercept so that you are fully protected against new viruses. 'Delete Virus Definition' deletes one or more virus definitions that have been added to either SAM Virus Clinic or SAM Intercept. ^BEnd of Help